You, sir, are a criminal. It may have happened years and years ago, and the lady in question is an adult now, but the truth of the matter is that you took advantage of a minor in a sexual manner. This is a True Thing, that is not disputable.
Please do me, and my newsfeed, a favor and Suck. It. Up.
You can no longer hide out in Europe. The United States has ordered your sentencing will take place in the States and not in an impartial European nation. The jig is, as they say, up (not that it hasn't been up for a long long were you in Paris, you coward?).
I understand that the woman would like the publicity to go away, but the precedent that says is too dangerous - I'm sorry, Ms. Geimer, but this isn't about you any more. It's about treating celebrities like they are real people, and just as liable for their indiscretions, lawbreaking, and other shenanigans as everyone else.
(Also, SHAME on all of you famous people who actually SUPPORT Polanski. The fact that he makes movies, and really good ones at that, does not excuse him or put him above the law. Please, prove to the world that you can GROW UP and accept responsibility for your actions.)
I understand that this is not quite timely, but I only recently saw the bit about Polanski being denied his motion to be prosecuted in absentia, and it FRIED MY BRAIN that someone could think that that would pass.
Necron Speedpainting- A Battleforce in a Weekend
12 years ago
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