Saturday, February 5, 2011

Trailer Talk!

Tomorrow I'm going to start a New Thing for this blog: Trailer Talk! I haven't decided yet how frequently I want to do this; the idea is that I'll watch new trailers and talk about how I think the movie will go, how impressed I was with the trailer, anything that strikes me, really. Ideally, I'd like to talk about the newest ones possible, which is why I'm leading off with the premier of the Captain America trailer spot during the Super Bowl.

That's right, I'ma watch football for you guys. Because I love you.

Honestly, if I could do three trailers three times a week, I totally would, because I LOVE trailers. I get to movie theaters super early just so I can watch the trailers. I spend hours at a time on But unfortunately, I have a day job and I'm a student again, so that's too extensive for me right now. Maybe one trailer per entry three times a week? I might be able to do that. I can DEFINITELY commit to at least one every Sunday, in addition to my erratic updates during the week. So yeah, something to look forward to for the future.

Also-also, my sister is currently en route to Australia for study abroad and she's starting a travel blog as soon as she gets there! It's called Lizzie's Adventures in UnderLand (for which I take full naming credit, BTW), and the more readers she gets the more I'll feel validated for pressuring her to put a link to my blog on her page.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, everyone!

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