Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unnecessary Sequels

It is no mystery that Hollywood is obsessed with sequels, and as much as it (sometimes) annoys me, I totally get it. Cinema is, like everything else, first and foremost a business. People who work in film, whether they are actors, producers, set people, studio monkeys, whatever, are just trying to make a buck. So I don't begrudge them the desire to make money off a sure thing. If a movie is successful there's a good chance a sequel will be coming out, because if the first one was a hit, a second one is more likely to make money than a totally new idea (see also: remakes).

But there are some things that really, shouldn't be touched. Like this.

First of all, based on my above analysis, I'm not entirely sure that making a sequel to Watchmen even makes fiscal sense. It only recovered its cost of filming after international sales, and it got pretty reamed in the reviews. I liked it, actually quite a bit (I also love the comic, before you even ask), but I know I'm in the minority. What part of that makes sense to make another one?

In the article I linked to above, Snyder AND the actors agree with me: this is a Bad Idea. DC, why do you want so hard to sabotage your film studio? As Malin Ackerman, an actress I don't even LIKE, says, "... I don’t really know how [a sequel] would ever be possible. Because ‘Watchmen’ is ‘Watchmen,’ and we covered pretty much the whole novel."

DC is hardly short of good superhero material. As long as they keep making Batman movies, I will keep seeing Batman movies (I ALSO wish that Brandon Routh would reprise his delicious turn as Superman, but unfortunately, his contract ran out and there hasn't even been a whisper of a rumor of that being renewed). So please, leave well enough alone. Let those of us who enjoyed the movie keep watching it, and rejoice that you made the comic more accessible to more people. This sequel would just cost you time, money, and credibility.

1 comment:

  1. Nary a whisper of Routh coming back because his movie was a shrieking failure... Epic win by DC on that one, take the most popular hero in the world, and continue a franchise that a) sucked after the first movie, and b) hasn't had a release in what, 20 years? Good show, chaps. I'm only surprised about Watchmen 2 rumblings because the first one didn't really do all that well. That said, a prequel could be interesting, provided that the quality is better than the godawful video game (seriously, guys, don't release another superhero brawler alongside Batman: Arkham Asylum unless you're ready to bring the pain).
